"I really can't put you back in that, it has holes in it!"
made my day, that.Australian submarines hunting for Boomers in the great inland sea - Emu War
and proceed.How much do the eldrae pay for "I will teach you magic"?
Amusingly enough, I have needed to answer this question for the Advancedverse.
The answer is: all of it.Like, yeah, she'll get better fast - In months or years rather than decades
the perpetual certainty that 1.75 trillion fellow sophs and God trust you, are trustworthy by you, cherish you and have your back.
and a release of some brakes.LIMITER DISABLED
)implacably confident woman that doesn't take shit
Is a pretty good description of her mum by the way - she was canonically the lieutenant of a major villain prior to meeting him+[-[<<[+[--->]-[<<<]]]>>>-]>-.---.>..>.<<<<-.<+.>>>>>.>.<<.<-.
Vile Born Imperium
...whookay?Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) is a program, best known by its military acronym, that provides U.S. military personnel, U.S. Department of Defense civilians, and private military contractors with training in evading capture, survival skills, and the military code of conduct.
effects once it leaks.pale blue dot, meet pale green dot